salon des arcanes

The Pai of Panda – I Ching Deck

29,00  TTC

Z. Mann Zilla présente une nouvelle approche de l’art divinatoire ancien du I Ching, avec 32 cartes qui révèlent des milliers de chemins possibles.

Ce jeu peut être utilisé pour les lectures traditionnelles du I Ching, mais il est spécialement conçu pour une méthode de lecture que nous appelons Pai (牌), un mot chinois signifiant « carte » ou « marque ». Ce style de lecture combine les significations traditionnelles des hexagrammes du I Ching avec les méthodes de « lecture ouverte » de la cartomancie moderne.

Pour lire les cartes, combinez simplement deux cartes trigrammes pour créer un hexagramme. Recherchez ensuite la signification de l’hexagramme dans notre guide.

Ce jeu comprend 32 cartes trigrammes et un guide de 100 pages.

Cartes et livret en anglais.

Crédits texte et photos : Artisan Tarot


Prix TTC (TVA applicable selon le pays de livraison). Des frais de port seront ajoutés au moment de la commande qui sera envoyée sous 7 jours (sauf événement extraordinaire).

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  • Standard tarot card size of 2.75″ x 4.75″
  • Printed on premium 310gsm card stock
  • Long lasting, linen finish for ease of shuffling and spreading
  • Sturdy, elegant tuck box with the card back design printed around the outside


About The Pai of Panda I Ching Deck

First written during the 9th Century BC, The I Ching (Book Of Changes) has been consulted by wisdom-seekers for over 3000 years. Its reputation for contemplation, motivation, and open-ended interpretation is well-established.

It is, therefore, our pleasure to introduce this sleek, modern take on an ancient and powerful divination tool!

The goal of our new deck is to introduce you to The Pai Method (or “The Pai Of Panda”). It is so named because “pai” means both “card” and “brand” in Chinese, and Zilla uses pandas frequently in their cartomancy branding. Zilla created The Pai Method to combine ancient Eastern divination symbols with contemporary European card-reading methods. You can enjoy these cards in both traditional and modern I Ching practices.

If your interest in divination started with cartomancy techniques (e.g. Tarot, Lenormand, or oracle decks), then this deck is for you. We’ve designed this 32-card deck to be a simplified, accessible starting point towards I Ching literacy.

The I Ching is a divination method which strives to provide actionable advice. In many forms of traditional fortune-telling, a client may be told how future events will unfold, yet with this telling comes a rather stagnant implication – “sit still and wait for your fortune to come true”. The I Ching does not endeavor to tell fortunes, but to advise actions. A crystal ball or a tarot card might foresee a gift; the I Ching would advise a course of action to attract such a gift.

This guidebook that is included with the deck condenses 3000 years of wisdom to the essentials – the refined English meaning of each hexagram, how to conduct a cartomancy-inspired reading with two hexagrams, and most importantly, how to embrace the “action-first” philosophy of I Ching. Each of the 64 hexagrams contains a deep series of philosophies, meditations, and interpretations, all of which are based on the observation of natural phenomenon.

While we respect these complex and comprehensive traditions, our goals with this deck and guide are portability, accessibility, and efficiency. You’ll find that we’ve summarized the essence of these hexagrams and provided a list of keywords, similar to the ones you’re accustomed to seeing in a tarot guide. Everything you need to start your I Ching divination journey is in the box!

Informations complémentaires

Poids0,145 kg
Dimensions7,2 × 12,2 × 1,8 cm


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